The Christian Men's Group encourages all men to come and experience the word of God. Men meet and grow in fellowship in a comfortable, welcoming setting. The Christian Men's Group of Our Lady of Good Counsel parish welcomes all men of the parish on the third Wednesday of the month in order to further discover what it means to be a Catholic man in today's society. We strive to allow God to continue His shaping of our lives as we listen to His written word, the Catechism of the Holy Catholic Church and the experiences of each other's faith journey. We achieve this by a set program and through small group sharing. This in turn, strengthens us to be a visible sign of God's presence in our parish and in our community by participating in various functions such as a parish barbecue, We also support a family in the Third World. Through our fellowship, guided by the Holy Spirit, we go forward as we open ourselves to God's calling to truly live as a Catholic man in today's world.