Minutes – Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Present – Rose-Marie Valade, Salvatore Marchese, Katie Charette, Mary Trevisan, Fr. Paul Conway,
Karen Gionette, John Plecash, Suzanne Shoust
Regrets – Wanda Taillefer, Betty Boissineau, Chris Shoust
Opening Prayer
Approval of the Agenda – Motion: Salvatore, Second: John – Approved
Approval of the Minutes of the April 21, 2022 Meeting – Motion: Katie, Second: Mary – Approved
Business Arising:
(a) Adopt a Highway Report – John, Wanda, Karen, George, Mary and Rose-Marie attended the
cleanup. Karen expressed it was a good effort, with debris and some car parts found. Not as
much as previous. Rose-Marie suggested that someone with a phone should take photos to
show what/where heavy stuff would be found for pick up. John carried heavier debris to guard
rail and flagged items. Amount of debris found was surprising, the pick-up truck was full.
Goulais River has bins behind the shop for discarding trash and debris. Next time more bags
should be brought. Boxes and small grocery bags were filled. Mary suggested that we should
better coordinate as it was a bit disorganized this time, possibility of a better way we may be
able to organize. Be aware of weather and conditions. Mary and George were fairly bitten by
bugs that morning. Next time bring bug spray. Overall was a good effort. For our next cleanup,
reach out again in the bulletin for volunteers, approach people and ask in person if anyone is
interested, recruit people to sign up. Possibility of reaching out to high school students who
need to get some volunteer hours. Next cleanup date to occur at the start of the Season of
Creation, Sept. 17, rain date Sept. 24.
(b) Metal Lids – Collection bin has been placed at the church. We are getting some dropped off by parishioners. Call out to Chris when they should be collected and turned in. Mary suggested
that we could put out an educational notice possibly to let others know that they cannot go in
regular recycle. Make mention of lids being collected, an explanation in the bulletin. We could
have a collection on the last Sunday of every month. Ask Chris about tins, if scrap metal will take
those as well.
(c) Outreach to Churches – Heard nothing further. Will not continue with this at the current time.
Additional: Rose-Marie to give the Margo Dale notes to Salvatore. Suzanne to reach out to
Hogan's Homestead to ask about their Styrofoam collection.
(d) Clean North Communications – Salvatore has connected with Peter, update at the next
(e) John Martella's presentation, reflection – Possibility of preparing notices, literature or add to
the bulletin, tips of what we can and can't recycle. Photos to show the “No's”. We could send
Rose-Marie photos of yes and no items to recycle. We are interested in touring the GFL facility,
Rose-Marie to contact John in October.
Additional: Ask Emily, the chair of the city's Environmental Sustainability Committee, to attend a
meeting for more information.
New Business:
a) Season of Creation 2022 – Link green churches for ideas, dates, and more information.
b) Pill Bottle recycling and depots – Clean North, Hearterra and OC Beauty. Glass bottles can also be used to pick up medication instead of plastic and then can be reused after being cleaned. Ask your pharmacist.
Additional: Bread bag tags are changing to cardboard instead of plastic, i.e. Dempsters brand.
Closing Prayer
Next Meeting:
• Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 7:00 pm, to be chaired by Salvatore
• Report on Season of Creation